P-04-326 No to Incineration

Petition wording

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to revise its planning policy and policy on residual waste to provide a presumption against the building of incinerators, which send most of the carbon from waste into the air as CO2, emit ultra-fine particles that can be damaging to health, and create toxic ash. We believe that incineration is bad for the environment and bad for people.


Link to petition:  http://senedd.assemblywales.org/mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=1019   

Petition raised by: Friends of the Earth Cymru

Number of signatures: 1299 (An associated petition collected 13,286 signatures))

Previously considered by the Committee on: 21 June 2011.

Update: Correspondence has been received from the Minister for Environment and Sustainability.